February 1, 2025

Earl Miller and Purity (EMP) have released their latest single, entitled “Holy ONE”. After having listened to the song for a few days now, I am pleased to let everyone one know that I really enjoyed it. What really captured me is how detailed Earl Miller is when it comes to vocal arrangements, vocal techniques and abilities.  I believe that when listening to this track you’ll hear the intricate attention to details Earl places on the harmonies of a song.  His choices in vocal features, style and passion for music are impeccable!  The ensemble also has a great male singer with a distinct voice and it is a wonderful instrument that gives life to the lyrics.  Another thing that I like about Earl Miller and Purity and what sets them apart from other ensembles is the inclusion of an almost theatrical feel and sound in their music.

The track “Holy ONE” is a great testament to this, but throughout their other projects those elements are interlaced in each song.  You don’t get this type of creativity on your average gospel song. Earl Miller’s strong songwriting skills have great depth, are intense, encouraging, relatable and biblically sound.

In his gift as a songwriter, Miller is transparent and open to hearing from God and sharing his heart with his audience.  Listening to this track, you will be left feeling complete joy; and having a reassurance that God sees you, knows where you are and will deliver you into a better place, if you continue to trust, believe and follow Him.

Earl Miller and Purity offers up a solid project that makes a strong first impression. The musical and spiritual journey that EMP take you on is both exciting and fulfilling. And while the boys in the band are well represented with plenty of live keyboards, guitar, bass and drums, it’s the girls who nearly steal the show with their soulful incendiary harmonies.

This is a group that you will certainly enjoy. They are versatile, refreshing and consistent. This is definitely a track, where each time you listen to it you’ll be saying, “Man, I almost forgot how awesome this music is!”

“Holy ONE” is a high energy celebration that permeates through the speakers to inspire the listener with a thumping beat and a consolidated groove. It’s authentic. The worship is real. You can feel the anointing, and the vocals are truly out of this world. With an artistic pedigree that is steadily strengthening its stature and distinction, Earl Miller and Purity will quickly become recognized as an up-and-coming force in the gospel music industry.

MORE ABOUT EARL MILLER AND PURITY: A worship and praise ensemble that was conceived in the mind and heart of Earl J Miller in January 2016. He felt compelled to create an “informal” group to sing for a concert to be hosted at Baptized Believers Church located in Washington, DC on April 2016. His vision was to feature some of his talented friends that he served with in music ministry over the past two decades utilizing original compositions as well arrangements of popular Christian worship music through eclectic genres and sounds.

Through prayer, preparation and practice, the concert was a success and received stellar reviews and accolades from family and friends. From that moment on, this informal group became known as “Earl Miller and Purity” (EMP). With much anticipation and musical momentum, a follow-up concert in November 2016 was performed by EMP. Additionally they have recorded three new singles soon to be released.


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