Tom Repasky began playing piano when he was 14 years old as a therapy to help recover the use of his hands and fingers after an accident that also caused severe head trauma and total amnesia. Turns out music is a way to recover the pathways in the brain and speeds the recovery of head injuries. And music showed him the mathematics. That was 1963.
Tom Repasky played in several bands and recorded demos in LA. In 1992, he began to write music for myself to listen to when he created art and wrote stories. And he also played occasionally with people that he knew at gatherings and parties. A divorce in the early 2000s, gave him lots of time alone to write songs and play music undisturbed. So he tried to write a new song every day. Now Repasky admits quite candidly: “Many of them are crappy, but of the more than 450 that I wrote during the last 20 years, more than a few are quite nice IMHO.”
Tom Repasky is on radio rotation with the tracks: “Time For A Change” and “UR My Friend”.