Suave_UK – “Walls Up”
Growing up, you see two different types of people. The first are the people who welcome others into their world with open arms. They’re excited to meet new people and learn about their lives, readily sharing intimacies about themselves. They believe the best in people, having no qualms about letting someone in. They’re warm, compassionate, and open. Then there are the second group. Those whose only way of surviving is to shut everyone else out. They always believe that getting hurt will lead to their downfall, so they just block people out. Even those who may love them.
A wall isn’t easy to tear down. Walls are built with emotional bricks that represent years of pain, and the glue holding it together is as strong as the person who got through their seemingly endless hardships. Walls are strong, and it takes effort to break them down.
For someone who’s constructed a strong force field around their heart, it will take the right person to help them take it down. It will be a slow, process that can take years for some. Aspiring UK based RNB, Hip Hop and Urban artist, Suave_UK, affronts this battle in his latest track “Walls Up” produced by Rodger Beats. As he desperately tries to break through to someone who has put up a wall.
It’s a slow mesmerizing alternative rock production with a repetitive lyric that translates the continuing frustration of trying to break down personal walls. Emotional walls can be problematic. They may emotionally protect you from suffering. But they may also keep you from having love, intimacy, hope, joy, and so many other things that make life meaningful.
Without saying as much in words, and just using the afflicted tone of his voice, this seems to be the message Suave_UK is trying to communicate: “I wanna know your name, and you know your walls up,” he sings. The track forms part of the new wave of rap music which has firmly established itself in the past years. This sound has often been described as emo rock meets trap.
“Walls Up” is melancholic gloomy and hazy with Suave_UK taking a peculiar stab at introspective singing. The keen ear for melody Suave incorporates to the entirety of the track is so hypnotizing that it’s hard not to get lost in it.
The minimalist approach he takes for this work feels fluid and varied enough to never feel tiresome. Both Suave and the music flow so effortlessly as the haze from the beat and the vocals slowly begin to take over. The layering of Suave’s voice mixed in with effects, is admirable in itself.
What’s most important about “Walls Up” produced by Rodger Beats, however, is that it showcases an artist willing to go off the beaten track, and with plenty of room to grow as he takes his sound into yet another direction.
There’s a casual comfort in the way that Suave_UK works on this track, where he soothes and glides more than he bombards and scurries. This is an emotional relationship ballad that we can all relate to.