Dru Devon – “impromptu” from the EP “scapegoat”
Born and raised in Minneapolis, Dru Devon, commonly referred to as Dru, his previous stage moniker, is an award winning Hip-hop artist. He picked up his point of departure alongside his uncle Wade B – a producer, engineer and entrepreneur. By the age of 15, Dru had begun performing and recording his own tracks, and despite being raised in a fatherless, low-income household, there was more than enough love to allow Dru an ambient in which he could work to perfect his craft. Growing up, he competed in many emcee-inspired competitions as well as talent shows where he was crowned in many instances. Today Dru Devon, brings the evolution of his skills to the 8 track EP, entitled “scapegoat”.
The opening track is a perfect example of the artist’s skill-set, with its jaw-dropping dynamism carefully blooming under Dru Devon’s melodically inclined, nuanced vocals. Breathy and pulsing, they’re sweetly resonant, and Dru should go down as having an expressive and compelling voice.
Hence for all the incredible production at his disposal, it’s still Dru – with nothing but his voice and his impeccable songwriting – who truly shines the most. “run the north” ft. C.R. Mashii, is sympathetically anchored by an impeccable low-end beat and Dru’s flow, which grows steadily and organically to the kind of climax that will etch itself permanently into the hearts of rap fans.
“tonight” has a sweeping melodic dynamic that sees Dru Devon exchanging lines with Shannell McCoy. Music like this tends to command the attention of those with whom it resonates emotionally, and those willing to pay it the diligence it deserves.
Listening to his wordplay and rhyming on the single, “impromptu”, it’s not too difficult to pin down what sets Dru apart from his run-of-the-mill contemporaries, he’s truly one of a kind. The sheer, unguarded honesty with which every word is rapped, or righteously sung, on “pull up” will captivatingly weave its way into your ears. The beat complements the core of the track, which is undoubtedly the storytelling lyrics.
Both “something nu” and “illusions” featuring Banni B, bring a neo-soul, new-age groove to the recording. There’s the sweeping, shimmering keys; there’s the way each track builds to flawless chill climaxes. The underlying emotional weight, one hundred percent relatable lyrics, and incredibly soulful vocal performances all have something to do with it too.
Dru Devon has the rare gift of poetic vocals, and what I mean by that is everything he sings or raps, sounds like a masterfully composed metaphor because he’s the one doing it. So, at this point what you know for sure, is this EP is worthwhile because of Dru’s vocal and storytelling prowess.
It’s true that those are the primary strengths of the record, but there’s also plenty more to expound upon. The final track, “replacement”, is a fluid progression of what came before, as well as its climactic destination. Dru Devon delivers this one sans any features, and it embodies every positive trait mentioned to this point.
The song is the culmination of a winding expedition through gorgeous melodies, soothing vocals, and amazing lyrics. “scapegoat” is an EP that defines and illustrates, both the admirable steps of growth that Dru Devon has made, as well as the desired qualities that he’s retained from his previous outings. You probably won’t feel the need to ask for anything else when the recording reaches its conclusion – it’s beautiful, cohesive, and emotionally fulfilling.
Spotify Album
Hyperlink to EP
For any correspondence dealing in bookings or interviews, request contact at mgmtdrudevon@gmail.com