Jackie Harrington – “Once in a Lifetime”
Ever wonder why some artists never really capture every drip of the magic of love? It just seems strange how some artists fail to establish the sense of floating, that feeling of warmth that won’t go away. Love is such a magical thing, and it may be different for different people, as we all are different individuals with different situations. But the feeling of gratification and contentment is commune to all mortals, especially after a moment of suffering. For me, the first time I heard the new single, “Once in a Lifetime”, by Austin, Texas based artist, Jackie Harrington, I felt the hairs on every part of my anatomy shiver. Spiritually inclined, the track was born out of the trials and tribulations of a mother fighting for her once incarcerated son. Its story, and evolving testimony, is an affirmation of two essential words for this talented songstress – LOVE and FAITH.
Our ability to love and have faith, is what ultimately drives us to surpass the obstacles life puts along our pathway. Love and faith are terms that Jackie is able to perfectly translate through her music and voice, on “Once in a Lifetime”.
This track is simply haunting and uplifting, maybe that’s why I get tingles listening to it, whilst honestly summing up what true love is – and not just the good bits – in a way that you need to hear to truly appreciate. Lying eyes closed you can picture your past, present and future – and the stress and strain of your world will appear to vanish before the powerful messages Jackie delivers here. The lady is simply anointed.
“Once in a Lifetime” rides on a phat beat and tasty production, in a nu-old-school way. Gospel has a huge impact on the beauty of this record. And there is a whole lot more, with Jackie’s lead melody and the rich harmonies adding gale-force impact.
It is touching, genuine, thought provoking, and shows all sides of our heart guided by faith. Jackie Harrington is one of a selected, who are chiseling at the foundations of an industry which is shoveling meaningless junk down our throats. She is soulful yet languid, as she effortlessly captures the multidimensional nature of black womanhood inspired by faith.
The confidence shown on “Once in a Lifetime” is both comforting and admirable – a reminder of her natural skills. Running through the rest of the songs in this collection, you realize that Jackie has the ability to be subdued, implicit, yet bombastic; she can be calm, collected, and cool…and she knows it.
On “Journey” ft. Toma Johnson, Jackie soars with urban urgency backed by a hip-hop beat, while on “Sinners Pray” she brings forth her soulful nuanced tones in a mid-tempo ballad. Her honey molasses voice will coat all your senses. She is a true artist who knows how to express music that’s made to touch the heart, spirit, and soul.
Her sophistication and class shines on “Trust You Always”. With many artists, the ballad can sometimes be interpreted as being corny, but Jackie gives it the passion that demands listeners to feel the words she pushes from her lips and soul. That’s why her songs unfold almost cinematically in our ears.
“Once in a Lifetime” is definitely a set of experiences, not just another project. It would be an extreme injustice not to share how heavily anointed these experiences are. Jackie Harrington possesses a unique combination of amazing vocals and a pure heart of worship towards a Lord whom she seems to know intimately.
Every song on this EP is an invitation to experience the dynamic and healing presence of God throughout our experiences. Jackie Harrington is a powerful vessel confirming the goodness and glory of God. At the same time though, her music is able to reach far beyond the boundaries of Gospel, and almost anyone can find meaning in “Once in a Lifetime”.