October 18, 2024

Zero The Kidd is an upcoming artist in Boynton beach Florida, racking up a total of 10 million plays in his first year of making music. He is currently on radio rotation with the track “Wave”. We took the time to sit down and ask Zero The Kidd some questions.

  1. How did you come by your stage name?

I’m not like most artists I didn’t pick my name because it sounded hard or sounded cool. I believe a stage name should be like a title of a book. It should give you some kind of idea about the artist. I decided to go with the name zero the kidd because when I was a child I knew from a young age music was my life, and even though I had relatives hopping on stage and friends with brothers who rapped, no one ever gave me a chance so I decided to put a positive spin on a dark part of my life. My music is authentic, I keep it real so when my fans see that name they know this is a kidd who grew up grinding to get where he’s at, and this is his life so he’s gonna give it his all.

  1. When did you discover your love for music and what made you realize you wanted to pursuit a career in music?

I discovered music when I was like 6 or 7. My dad and my uncle both were rappers and I learned how to play the violin in 2nd grade and the piano in 3rd. So just being around music as a kid really pushed me to wanna do it myself. But it wasn’t until about 7th or 8th grade when I realized this is my life. I saw how music impacted people and affected their daily lives and I always wanted to have that kind of impact on people. I wanted to be the person, when you’re mad or sad you turn on my song to feel better.

  1. To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

Well I feel like your sense of style directly stems from your attitude or mindset. In my house growing up there’s 2 things you learn quickly. One, never touch someone’s food without asking, and two never care what others think of you. My mom was a big influence on that, she always walked around with her head held high no matter what others might think of her. She was never afraid to be herself, and that’s what fueled my sense of style. I wear what I want to because I like it and I don’t care who doesn’t

  1. On your current/upcoming album… How did you come up with the concept for this project?

I have an upcoming album that shall not be named but I came up with the concept by stepping back and looking at my life – everything I’ve done and everything I hope to do. This project is a complete reflection of my life now and what I hope my life to be one day. There is also a few fan suggested themes thrown in as well.

  1. What are some of your greatest challenges as an artist, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?

Well first being an artist is not an easy task it requires tons of sleepless nights and a crazy work ethic but some of the most challenging things are balancing your personal life with your career. Some people think they are one and the same, but they are not. As an artist your life becomes a brand, and balancing time managing that brand and still having personal time is a very hard task. But luckily my parents, especially my dad, instilled a great work ethic in me from a child. Watching him study for his classes really drove me to work as hard as I do now, only getting 2 hours of sleep per night nonstop, recording until I get my vocals sounding the way I want them too.

  1. What impression would you like listeners to be left with after hearing your music?

That I’m a hard working artist with a message to share with the world, and I’m not going to stop until I’m dead.

  1. What are your plans for the near future?

Well opening up for trill Sammy is a big opportunity that has just presented itself, also I would like to perform at sun fest.

  1. Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

First my parents for bringing me into this world, then my grandparents for raising me to be the man I am today, and last but not least, my team. I have a great group of guys who have been here from day one – my manager Najani Edwards, my Producer Roy Micheals, my consultant Emmanuel Gaitor, and my close friend Janaray Mcall. They have been there for me since the beginning and they keep me going.


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