BanManTana is a Rap artist from Miami Florida son of Kenneth devastator Terry, the...
Featured Artists
“Still Howling 3” is grown folks Hip-hop. This is Introspective album where John J...
Since dropping his first project the “Autorhymeography” in 2013 and signing to Slum Dogg...
Hot female artist Hotpink has just released a new single titled ‘WUMBO’. Hardcore Hip-Hop...
La’Ralpheal is an urban dance artist and lead vocalist for the alternative band Rah...
A^2 is a 17 year old rapper from the bay area. He says: “I...
JFK is an extremely gifted artist pushing the envelope of possibilities through distinct musical...
The sheer enjoyability of most of upcoming pop icon David Shane’s songs does have...
JA_X_SON was born and raised in northern Virginia. He has been rapping and recording...
Fascinated by music from a very young age, Cenaan Kelley, better known as Bo...