February 11, 2025

Take a five-pound bag of authentic roots reggae music, from Jamaica, open it, and pour into a blender (industrial sized, obviously). Grab that dancehall jar off the shelf – no, not that one – the real one, with heavy patois verses and the driving bass drum riddim from Kingston; good. Dump that whole jar into the blender. Use caution, it’s flammable.

Get the hip hop seasoning grinder from the cabinet, and give a few generous twists into the blender. If any of that “mumble rap” gets in there, pick it out. Almost there! We’re missing something. Funk! Yes, get the funk from the cellar and sprinkle a few teaspoons into the blender. It’s ok if a little R&B residue gets in.

Blend that up until you get to a consistency of higher consciousness, and the positive vibrations start to come through. Perfect! Wait, there should be some rockers resin left in the bag of reggae. Use this as garnish. There you go, a perfect Lion Eye Band. Serve streaming, downloaded, or in physical format. Most potent when consumed LIVE.

Lion Eye is on radio rotation with the track ‘Big Bad Wolf’.

Available on all major streams and platforms:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/big-bad-wolf-single/1184158160
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3jOzFpeHDj98hqutbPZpZA
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/68051712
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lion_Eye_Band_Big_Bad_Wolf?id=Bfheixzxkz54nnairb2wikds6va

Website: www.lioneyeband.com

Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theband.lioneye
IG: @lioneyeband
Tweets: @lioneyeband
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-OGQpV4XeUUjcdhrjuURQ

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