Yvonne Sangudi – “MistaRomeo”

One of the very reasons Yvonne Sangudi will gain worldwide crossover appeal, is that she can blend numerous flavors like pop, reggaeton and world-beat, and meld them into one red-hot audiovisual experience. On her brand new single, “MistaRomeo”, the woman is literally on fire. After a four-year hiatus it takes her no more than three minutes and forty seconds to shine like a bright burning flame. Yvonne is clearly shifting gears in her career. She elevates herself in terms of volume, range and conviction. Almost every artist desires to achieve a musical breakthrough at some point in their careers. Releasing a record that sounds different from the rest and stands above their own previous works. In a repetitive and standardized pop music world, “breakthrough”, is a strong word. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a revolution, but it has to shake things quite a bit, and you need a special kind of artist to achieve that status. Yvonne Sangudi, and her sophomore track “MistaRomeo”, fits that roll perfectly.

Yvonne Sangudi – Photo by J.L Walters

This work is where she truly achieves musical prowess. Expanding upon her musical and songwriting roots, Yvonne carefully incorporates the elements necessary to move her to the next level, and it’s the highlight of her journey so far. First and fore mostly she has a track that is easily relatable. A break-up song with an empowering narrative.

But unlike most sad and melancholic break-up songs, here the narrator cuts her losses and doesn’t wallow miserably in its aftermath. Instead she exposes “MistaRomeo” for the liar he is, while showing a fiery confidence to move ahead with a clearer outlook on her life experiences. On her previous single, “Tanzanite”, her vocal performance was her signature element, but here she takes yet another step ahead.

Yvonne really moves her voice to levels of nuanced beauty she hadn’t reached before. Whether she wants to sound sexy, dark, sassy or sweet, her vocal cords keep up with her easily, all the way. The higher notes she sings in the soaring choruses, have a devastatingly sensual effect, while her lower register is dispatched with passionate urgency.

Of course, the cherry on top of this new single release, is that Yvonne Sangudi teamed up with her long-time collaborator Jens Gad. Jens is the older brother of Toby Gad – the Billboard acclaimed Songwriter and Producer. The Gad brothers have created hit records for Beyoncé, Fergie, Madonna, John Legend, Enigma and Brandy, among many others.

Here Jens Gad deals out an Adrenalin pumping beat, with escalating keys and thunderous percussion driving the arrangement through its exciting peaks and valleys. Upbeat and danceable this production delivers color and a sense of breakaway freedom that seem to bring Yvonne’s sound into a blissful state, which goes well beyond the flawless execution of the piece.

The result is a radio-friendly song sure to get you up to dance, singing jubilantly to its catchy chorus: “You watched as our love set on fire. Replaced the Tanzanite with Sapphire. Said we could never ever expire. Oh MistaRomeo you liar.”

Yvonne Sangudi – by John Coupe

Yvonne Sangudi is a Tanzanian American 5-octave range singer, songwriter and performer. She was on the inside show business by the age of nine – recording, writing and performing music. For nearly twenty years she learned the ins and outs of what it takes to succeed in the entertainment industry, by working behind-the-scenes at top television broadcasting networks and music record labels.

It wasn’t until she founded Éclat Media Enterprises, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA, that she took control of her career, and the spotlight. Her debut single “Tanzanite”, steamrolled its way into the upper half of the iTunes Top 100 Pop Charts as a new release, and The Huffington Post quoted her as “the next great songstress”. “MistaRomeo” promises even more.

Currently the new wave of contemporary pop music doesn’t really have anyone else like Yvonne Sangudi. She’s unique, not because of her exotic origins but simply because of her music and artistic persona. She is versatile and, most importantly, talented enough to sound great within any dimension she chooses.

With “MistaRomeo”, arguably her finest recording so far, she means to establish herself as one of the best independent female pop artists around, on a global scale. She is without a doubt, the whole package, and someone you could watch and listen to for many hours on end!


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