January 21, 2025

Born Nick Aluoch, Nicólas Soul (the founder of NuRenaissance) is a hip-hop artist that has been releasing music over the past few years that stands at the crossroads of rap, R&B and pop music—though his influences are tied to a wider range of genres than you might first assume. He was inspired to dive headfirst into rap music after hearing the music of Eminem and falling in love with his music’s power, frankness and ferocity. He released his first mixtape, “Standing Ovation,” in 2012, and after a good response from friends and fans, he began the process of writing and recording subsequent records. He is currently running with two new tracks – “2 A.M. Buzz” and “Addicted to the Thrill”

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolassoul254/
YouTube: NicolasSoulhttps://www.youtube.com/c/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nuxsoul/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nuxsoul/
Website: https://www.nrnszn.com/nicolas-soul
iTunes Link: https://music.apple.com/us/album/2-a-m-buzz-feat-dilly-forgotten/1463296423?i=1463296431

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