October 5, 2024

We know very little about Quis Hart, maybe even less than we should, but there’s that one person who gives it to you straight with no chaser, in the world of urban music, Hart is that person. While most R&B honchos and chart hunting trappers are watering down their lyrics to sex and the female anatomy, Quis Hart refreshingly offers music that isn’t just pleasing to the ear but also stimulating to the mind. Over and above his superior lyricism, Hart is a musical outlier within the genre, whichever genre you assume he’s in.

Every culture needs a storyteller, a scribe to chronicle history be that personal or universal, and to retell it to younger generations. While most of his peers are trying to hustle their way onto radio playlists like lemmings in the pursuit of notoriety, Quis Hart does what he does best – using his music to tell the lessons of life and love.

Good or bad, Hart gives it to you straight, like any good teacher would. He’s brand new track, “True Life”, continues the tradition of emotional education through song, as the artist chronicles personal and family afflictions he needs to get of his chest. Opening with one of the most gorgeous instrumentals I’ve heard this year.

The stressed-out horns soar into the sky as pianos swirl, keys ring out, and bass thumps to the kicking drums on “True Life”. It’s both menacing, and uplifting to the point of heavenly. The beat is mesmerizing, and the melody is beyond infectious.

Two things happen when Quis Hart unleashes his vocal – he hits a near- flawless chain of quality, and the track upgrades into a sonic whirlpool of emotions and uncompromising testimony. There’s almost nothing to fault – The brash and gritty atmosphere that resonates so potently in the middle of the song is authentic and fascinating.

Hart writes fantastic, impacting lyrics which are delivered with an undeniably ear-digging cadence that works with the instrumental. His creative pen raises the track above the usual self-pitying laments, making each line a show-stopping moment,

Quis Hart absolutely dominates “True Life” – his charisma, voice, and wry wit are absolutely insane. The way he stretches his vocals as he cries out “I guess it was a test for me, now it’s become my testimony”, sounds truly authentic.

This is seriously an impressive track – and if Hart continues to deliver like this on features, or within his own work, his future could be one of the strongest of the next few years. The creativity and honesty simply oozes out of this work, Quis Hart’s control of aesthetic, and his ability to craft exceptional sounding music is unparalleled by his contemporaries in the underground.

On “True Life”, Quis Hart is making it clear that he is not to be taken lightly, not by his peers, nor his critics, or the urban music industry at large. He possesses a raw, yet polished, innate electricity, that seldom relinquishes its grip on the listener.


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