Young Zorro and Ville – ’96 Bulls
Young Zorro and Ville are back on a dynamic track called ’96 bulls. The back and forth variety gives a fresh new perspective on current rap, and the melodic sounds put together by these guys will have you head-banging at McDonald’s at 3 am . On repeat shoutout Young Zorro and Ville.
Young Zorro and Ville ae two guys coming straight outta poverty. They’ve been down and out and just trying to change things for their families, finding a passion in music. So every time they go in they carry the weight of all their hopes on their backs. “We gonna change the world. We will be in your ear,” say Young Zorro and Ville, who can be found on all platforms and Xiteville.
facebook: Young Zorro
YouTube: Young Zorro, Ville
TikTok: young zorroofficial