FcvJaDub – ‘Drive Slow’
The Providence Rhode Island based artist, FcvJaDub aka thesymbolofhope, has been upping the ante over the years, experimenting with his sound on solo material and bringing with his not only lush, soft melodies but some of the sweetest, down to earth bars in the region. A fiercely independent and hard worker who only gets help from some close family members, FcvJaDub says that he is on a mission to become a world symbol of hope.
The single “Drive Slow” is a continuation of form, being one of FcvJaDub’s most creatively ambitious body of work yet; it brings hypnotizing high hats and smooth energizing flows that only FcvJaDub can bring to the table. It delivers with a cool, calm and collected experience that is consistent with the content FcvJaDub has been building his catalog on.
It’s carried by an infectious bounce in the production that would make any head bump in synchronicity. FcvJaDub goes on to deliver the coldest verses over a mid-tempo beat that changes-up and down to capture your attention.
It’s braggadocios, but it’s down to earth and lets the listener know whats on his mind: “Drive slow, drive fast. I aint got no time to be lookin’ at the dash. Drive slow, drive fast. I ain’t got no time ‘til ‘em haters kiss my ass,” spits FcvJaDub.
“Drive Slow” serves as the best example of FcvJaDub’s ambition to play around with the catchiness of his songs. Every element present feels perfectly placed and contributes to the single’s vibe-inducing atmosphere. All infused with some of the best production featured, leaving listeners wanting more.
Artists like FcvJaDub, with impressive releases to their name, don’t let expectations fester in their head. They put in hard work, execute their craft, and deliver the goods each time.
When you hear people complaining about the lack of progression in today’s rap or hip-hop scene, they clearly have not been listening to FcvJaDub. Each project he puts out, has only elevated craft and listener satisfaction in mind. Sure, he is not trying to reinvent the wheel, but he is trying to get it to run as smoothly as is possible.
“Drive Slow” is so damn smooth and bouncy that it makes us want to throw a backyard party, even in the middle of winter, depending on where we are on the globe. FcvJaDub incorporates a freewheeling flow into the song that captivates and stuns listeners with bursts of unexpected, quotable goodness.
The track reflects FcvJaDub’s own personal ambition to shift from underground rapper with a point to prove, to a globally known hit-making phenomenon.
FcvJaDub is thinking a few steps ahead of his contemporaries. The type of ambition he ponders is a sort that a rare few have, let alone mastered. He is maneuvering his career and sonic output deftly, stitching up each of his magnetic-sounding beats with inescapably catchy verses and choruses that maintain his thought processes and ideas, at an extraterrestrial level. On “Drive Slow”, we are witnessing an over-achiever at work!