Coming up in the city’s notorious West Side, Tony Rich, formerly known as Richie...
Featured Artists
Born on December 30, 1990 in Harlem, NY Wellington, Williams aka Shellz was the...
Tayo StudioGeek’s journey began as early as elementary school and he did not have...
Jo-sef, could choose to continue his life entrenched in drugs, alcohol and partying, or...
In every genre of music, there are three big tiers of artists. The top...
EpicLifestyle is a Hip-Hop music group from Plainfield, NJ. Made up of 2 members...
Introducing Ms Eva Marie who is slowly building a reputation in Atlanta as being...
Radical Freak are two Italian artists. Their music is eclectic, ranging from rap to...
Taye is an up-and-coming indie artist from Ohio, he has a new project on...
Flayzia Fisher and Tking have a new song out called “Can I Tell You...