904DadLife Productions is the project of a 35 year-old dad of 2, who has been...
Featured Artists
Over the last year, Eric Garcia aka B’zurkk’s trademark confidence has won him a...
Baton Rouge’s Baggalott is out to win by any means necessary. He is further...
SWENDAL’s newest single, “James Brown”, is a brief yet entertaining showing of how talented...
The world has been very unpredictable lately, but one thing that remains a constant...
The 11-track album “God’s Son”, is everything ROLLiE HRMNY is and aspires to be...
New upcoming artist who goes by the name of FlyBoyMAC, giving the world a...
E RIC is a Miami-based artist and producer. While his influences include The Weeknd...
OR GOLAN is on radio rotation with the track “Zarar”. Throughout his career, over 350000 copies...
From the Mid-West, the emcee James Eternal (Jay R Erve) and the DJ/Producer Dynamight...