In a world where the music industry is often synonymous with cutthroat competition and...
Young Thad F. Resident Poet/Hip Hop Lyricsts – Thad turned his Rose into a...
From the heart of San Antonio to the streets of London, Lone Star is...
UK rising rap star and Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes Winner, Prezzaman, is back with...
Hailing from Chicago, with musical roots stretching into Maryland and D.C., RMB Justize is...
Presley Carl Timothy better known by his stage names Presley aka Kronik & Prezzaman...
In a music industry where artists often find themselves boxed into singular sounds, Brett...
In a world where countless voices vie for attention, few artists break through the...
Hailing from Queens, NYC, M.A.I.N. (which stands for money’s all I need) writes, produces,...
UK rising rap star and Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes Winner, Prezzaman, is back with...