PrinceLD Martian – “Do The Race”

Prince Ladies Desire Martian or simply PrinceLD Martian is a multi-genre artist, born and raised in Jamaica. He translocated to the USA when he was seventeen in search of making authentic music that resonated with him. In the process PrinceLD Martian has created and worked under a number of different monikers, fulfilling the need for expressing his various musical alter-egos. They include Prizzy, Lost Soul & Sin Saver and 8G.O.D. Currently he is promoting his latest single “Do The Race” as PrinceLD Martian. The feature that shows what differentiates him from many of his contemporaries is that he exhibits a sense of care for what he says and how he delivers his words. This isn’t just a hobby for him, he actually loves music the game.

“Do The Race” sees more of PrinceLD Martian’s uncanny ability to melodize and flow in a hazy psychedelic fashion. It perfectly sums up the sophistication that he has every time he steps into the booth. Now on his umpteenth release, PrinceLD Martian shows not only consistency but more importantly an improvement in terms of delivery, songwriting and overall production.

You could make a series of comparisons to some of his more illustrious peers, but that wouldn’t do justice to the artist. You can tell PrinceLD Martian spends a lot of time experimenting and perfecting his craft while allowing himself to be inspired by some of his best contemporaries. Sure, he can rap, but where he really shines is the way he manages to seamlessly change flows with a meticulous melodic twist and perfect word play.

The single “Do The Race” feels fresh mostly due to PrinceLD Martian’s delivery, and features great moments of vibe-delivering brilliance and, more importantly, a sense of authenticity. The slow-burn sound of this song is a must listen for anyone who enjoys anything from hip hop to R&B and Pop.

PrinceLD Martian brings an interesting voice to the urban landscape. Modern sensibilities keep him grounded in a current musical scene, while the desire to perfect his craft affirms his credibility.

Listening to his tracks, you can hear that PrinceLD Martian still has plenty room to grow and is determined to take things to the next level. His sheer skill-display manages to fit a bunch of stories and interesting statements coming from a fresh point of view that should be able to appeal to everyone. “Do The Race” remains intensely listenable, with no shortage of impressive lyricism and clever musical ideas, including his keen melodic touch, over an atmospheric beat.

Though some artists can get lost in the ambition of their own musical grandeur, PrinceLD Martian never sets himself up to falter. He’s conscious of how a hook presents itself, how to control his delivery and how to diversify his lyrical bonds. If “Do The Race” is any signal of what to expect from PrinceLD Martian in the future, then many music enthusiasts should be excited to see where his career will take him next.

Instagram: @princeld_martian
Twitter: @PrinceLDCharley
Facebook: Prince Martian
YouTube: PrinceLD Martian
SoundCloud: PrinceLD Martian

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