SCOE910 – ‘It Goes Down On Friday The 13th’

Forget everything you already know about rap and hip-hop, sit back, relax and listen to SCOE910. Now you’ll have rethink the genre as this freewheeling hustler reworks the game’s stylistic limitations and boundaries. Every track on his project “What’s Really Going On”, every single verse, bridge, and chorus is a complex, shuffling exhibition of SCOE910’s permanently restless approach to his own musicality. With a series of delineations with which to approach his freestyle vocals and rapped lyricism, the artist delivers nothing but sounds that are broken down to laidback quips, quick wordplay, short stories, and poetic of forms of his reality. All of this kinetic creativity is wrapped in luscious multilayered beats. In fact, the production is probably the only element that follows the rules.

Therein lies the mastery of his own stylistic independence. His creativity cuts into each track as he experiments within the range of his own peculiarities, and with this project, it’s dominated to a tee.

Beyond the singularity of his style, he is also defined by balance, able to pocket his energy and transition it into something altogether calmer and more meditative. Listen to how he casually slides across “I Want To Be”, within a shimmering jazzy backdrop of warm keys and gentle horns.

SCOE910’s delivery is offhand and conversational, to a point almost relaxing. But listen carefully to the narrative, as he hits hard and cuts deep with his sharp commentary. If Dave Chappelle was a rapper, he’d sound like SCOE910.

He is capable of finding a mellow pace, as he folds a gritty narrative into a slow grind to fit an established mood. This is a particularly introspective and darkly intriguing track, as he unfolds his hustle and aspirations.

“I Was Raised” slaps harder, and SCOE910’s voice is deeper and more ominous, as he unpacks the storyline: “I was raised, brought up in them days, when you can’t go outside and play all day long. I didn’t want to be in the house playing no video games. I’d rather be in the streets coming home bleeding.”

What should be said is that SCOE910, above any other artist in music right now, allows for a particularly profound range of introspection and takeaway. While the lyrical prowess, emotive deep-dive, and storytelling immersion never ends.

“It Goes Down On Friday The 13th takes you further down the rabbit hole alongside SCOE910 as he describes some gruesome realities going down in the hood. Immersive by way of his pen, the track is filled with more lyrical depiction and authenticity, than almost any of the new wave rappers are capable of bringing to the table today. Over and above the storytelling, the track is dressed in a superlative production that drives the momentum of the narration perfectly.

Handily adjusting his flow and finding the ebbs of his emotional expanse throughout these tracks, by way of the exceptional beats he puts together, SCOE910 proves to be a boundless fluid force of rap transcendence. That’s because SCOE910 is more than a rapper. He is a storyteller.

Connect with SCOE910:
SCOE910 @Instagram
SCOE910 @YouTube
Roscoe Clifton @Facebook
SCOE910 @Twitter
SCOE910 @SoundCloud

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