Matthew William Long, better known by his stage name Matt Movin, is an American...
Featured Artists
Fidem Beats just kind of popped up early around January this year as a...
David Play is a 24 year old rapper from Chicago who’s been rapping for...
Greybuffalo aka JG is an American HipHop artist from the Lake Traverse Reservation (SWO)...
Got a unique artist that’s been making noise where he resides, by the name...
YouTube content producer, gamer, athlete, musician and vocalist. Los Angeles based Cameron Nino, is...
Jmoto is an upcoming artist focused on smooth, melodic tracks. Raised in a small...
SAZE is a New Jersey-born, Brooklyn-based indie alternative hip-hop producer and recording artist. Content...
ShaQ:Muzik is a Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter, producer and arranger who simply enjoys the thrill...
On “Still Howling 5”, the Bronx rapper John J uses his signature aggressive flow...