Sorepo (Soul Repossession) Records proudly announces the release of “The Code Mane,” the much-anticipated...
A seasoned broadcaster turned musician, Simon Ajegi better known artistically as Simon Jegzs is...
In the vast landscape of modern music, there are only a select number of...
In the ever-evolving realm of Pop, R&B and Soul, only a handful of artists...
Few artists possess the raw authenticity and emotive prowess of Moo-You. A revered hip-hop...
In a world often overshadowed by chaos and strife, where the whispers of humanity’s...
Tranzformer & Big O, the dynamic duo hailing from San Diego and London, respectively,...
Tréson, a beacon in the Canadian reggae landscape, emerges as a musical talent renowned...
Hailing from the vibrant city of San Diego, Keoni Boynton, better known as Eager...
Luke Urbano emerges as a luminous talent that cannot be ignored. Hailing from Brisbane,...