Rohan Payola unleashes his frustrations with mental health and sociopolitical issues using bold, sincere...
Month: October 2020
Ben Barbic’s lyrical honesty, combined with catchy beats, makes it impossible for your head...
Rz Shahid is an alternative hip-hop artist based out of the Twin Cities of...
LIZ LOKRE is a globally emerging artist based in Toronto. Since her first release...
DraMatiQue is on radio rotation with the track “Above Water”. It is a romantic,...
YPC Young Pharaoh is a Hip-hop Artist from the DMV area – home to...
Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado where he lived most of his life, Reiko Moss...
J.Haskin has a new project coming in November/December called “Hear Me Out”. He is...
The artistic drive at the heart of the single, “B.O.M.B (Body on My Body)”...
We live in an era in which rap and hip hop music is no...